Jurnal Sharia Kompetitif
<p>Jurnal Sharia Kompetitif (ISSN Online: XXXX-XXXX) diterbitkan oleh Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif. Jurnal ini diterbitkan tiga kali pada bulan Januari, Mei dan September. Jurnal ini berisi artikel-artikel yang membahas berbagai aspek ekonomi syariah, seperti: perbankan syariah, keuangan mikro syariah, investasi syariah, zakat, wakaf dan berbagai topik lain yang relevan. Dengan mengedepankan penelitian yang berkualitas, jurnal ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam pengembangan ekonomi syariah di tingkat nasional dan internasional.</p>Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitifen-USJurnal Sharia KompetitifPAYLATER IN BUYING AND SELLING: AN ISLAMIC ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE
<p>The purpose of this study is to discuss later payment in buying and selling; Islamic economic perspective. This research was conducted to look at various sources of literature that examine payment by paylater in various transactions involving sellers, buyers and online ecommerce media which is currently a profitable and instant option. The method used in the research is literature study research or literatu re review. The results of this study reveal that paylater in buying and selling in Islamic economics is not prohibited or allowed, as long as there are no elements that come out of the values of sharia principles, the application of paylater in buying and selling is acceptable in the Islamic economy as long as it adheres to the principles of fairness, transparency, and sustainability and is supported by appropriate regulations to ensure that paylater provides benefits without violating the ethical values of Islamic economics.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>e</strong><strong>y</strong><strong>w</strong><strong>o</strong><strong>r</strong><strong>d</strong><strong>s</strong><strong>: </strong>Paylater; Purchase; Sales; Islam, <em>Economics</em></p>Iren DespilenyNisa Zahratul JannahAmrul Muzan
Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Sharia Kompetitif
<p><em>Islamic banks face significant challenges in managing problematic financing or Non-Performing Financing (NPF), which can impact the financial stability, profitability, and reputation of the bank. Problematic financing in Islamic banks is an unavoidable risk. The greater the amount of problematic financing faced by the bank, the lower the bank's health level. This study discusses the factors that cause problematic financing, as well as the prevention and resolution strategies for problematic financing in Islamic banks. The findings aim to provide information to all parties, especially Islamic banks in Indonesia, on the methods and strategies for handling and resolving problematic financing. The study demonstrates that resolving problematic financing requires strategies tailored to the conditions of customers while adhering to sharia principles. With a comprehensive approach, Islamic banks can maintain operational stability and contribute positively to economic growth.</em></p> <p><br><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>NPF, Problematic Financing, Islamic Bank</em></p>Atikah Nurul IchsanNurnasrina NurnasrinaNola Fibriyani Bte SalamNurul Huda
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Sharia Kompetitif