Jurnal Daya Saing 2024-07-25T20:47:33+07:00 Idel Waldelmi Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Daya Saing (Online ISSN:&nbsp;2541-4356 | Print ISSN : 2407-800X) published by Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif.&nbsp;This journal published&nbsp;thrice in February, June and October. It contain the articles such as scientific papers (research and non-research), analytical studies, theoretical applications and reviews of management issues. The publication of this journal aims to increase the quantity and quality as well as its spread with the science of communication among the intellectuals, practitioners, students and observers of management problems.</p> PEMASARAN ONLINE SEBAGAI SARANA PROMOSI PRODUK RAJUTAN DI KECAMATAN RUMBAI PEKANBARU 2024-07-25T20:47:33+07:00 Endah Wahyuningsih <p><em>This research is a type of experimental research. The data collection method used observation techniques on mothers in Rumbai District, Pekanbaru City. </em></p> <p><em>Observations were carried out on 18 respondents by filling in a research questionnaire in a Google form. Online marketing has not been optimally utilized in promoting knitted products, even though 50% of respondents use Instagram and 61% of Facebook, the age factor is very influential, 78% are over 50 years old so mothers are not yet familiar with using social media for business needs. Follow-up training is needed in the form of knitting training, graphic design, internet, web creation and processing, as well as trademark creation training for knitters to be more enthusiastic, increase sales, develop well and become an alternative family income.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: <br></em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Endah Wahyuningsih DAMPAK BUDAYA ORGANISASI, BERBAGI PENGETAHUAN DAN TURBULENSI TEKNOLOGI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PERFORMANCE: INDUSTRI KREATIF DI INDONESIA 2024-07-12T09:06:43+07:00 Arfah Piliang Nuraini Nuraini Wirdayani Wirdayani Lisa Tinaria <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: This study aims to determine the relationship between technological turbulence, knowledge sharing, organizational culture, and creative industry performance in Indonesia. This research was conducted on the songket creative industry in Indonesia with a total sample of 328 respondents who are owners of the songket creative industry and their managers. This study uses the SEM-AMOS 24 measuring tool. The results show that organizational culture (BO) affects the creation of knowledge sharing behavior (BP) and organizational culture (BO) affects the creation of ideas to increase technological turbulence (TT). However, technology turbulence does not have an impact on improving performance and knowledge sharing also does not have an impact on increasing technology turbulence in organizations. Therefore, further research is needed that focuses on the dimension of technological turbulence and adds other capabilities such as open innovation. So that open innovation can have an impact on technological turbulence. The findings of this study should be a guide for managers who want to control factors that affect the company's capacity, especially the SME's creative industry.</p> 2024-07-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arfah Piliang, Nuraini Nuraini, Wirdayani Wirdayani, Lisa Tinaria PENGARUH MOTIVASI, KOMUNIKASI DAN BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KAYAWAN PADA TOKO CENTRAL GROSIR BULELENG 2024-07-02T10:15:45+07:00 Komang Eny Kasrianti Ni Luh Sri Kasih <p>This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, communication, and workload on employee performance at the Central Wholesale Buleleng store. The method used in this research is quantitative using data obtained from questionnaires. The sample in this study were 30 people or all employees of the Central Wholesale Buleleng Store. Data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The results of the above research state that Motivation cannot have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Central Wholesale Buleleng Store, this can be seen in the Partial Significant Test (t test) which obtained the tcount value of the Motivation variable (X1) is 1.148 and the ttable value is 1.706 then tcount &lt; ttable (1.148 &lt; 1.706) and also the significance test results obtained a significance value of 0.262&gt; 0.05, then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. 2) The results of the above research state that Communication has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Central Wholesale Buleleng Store, this can be seen in the Partial Significant Test (t test) which obtained the tcount value of the Communication variable (X2) is 1.762 and the ttable value is 1.706 then tcount&gt; ttable (1.762&gt; 1.706) and also the significance test results obtained a significance value of 0.010 &lt;0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. 3) The results of the above research state that Workload has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance at the Central Wholesale Buleleng Store, this can be seen in the Partial Significant Test (t test) which obtained the tcount value of the Workload variable (X3) is 1.744 and the ttable value is 1.706 then tcount&gt; ttable (1.744&gt; 1.706) and also the significance test results obtained a significance value of 0.030 &lt;0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.</p> <p><br><br></p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Komang Eny Kasrianti DETERMINAN PERILAKU KONSUMTIF GENERASI Z 2024-07-01T14:48:07+07:00 Rizky Anggi Pratama Maheni Ika Sari Retno Endah Supeni <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" aria-label="Teks yang diterjemahkan" data-ved="2ahUKEwjclrLd7P-GAxUCdmwGHaHPC5UQ3ewLegQIBRAU"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="id">Telah dilakukan penelitian pada remaja siswa SMA/SMK di Kecamatan Genteng untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi <br />keuangan terhadap perilaku konsumsi Generasi Z (X1), untuk mengetahui pengaruh teman sebaya terhadap perilaku<br /> konsumtif (X2) dan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya. pengaruh kondisi sosial ekonomi orang tua (X3) terhadap perilaku <br />konsumtif. (Y) bagi siswa SMA/SMK di Kecamatan Genteng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 378 responden dan mengkonversi <br />hasilnya ke dalam skala likert (1-5) sehingga dapat dianalisis hubungan antar variabel. Dengan menggunakan <br />Uji Normalitas Kolgorov Smirnov dan regresi linier berganda diperoleh hasil bahwa variabel literasi keuangan <br />dan rekan kerja signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumen. Hasil tes ini memerlukan pembelajaran terkait literasi <br />keuangan pada siswa. Hasil uji hipotesis menyatakan bahwa variabel sosial ekonomi tidak signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumen. <br />Hasil pengujian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan ekonomi antar siswa mempunyai pengaruh terhadap perilaku <br />konsumtif siswa. </span></pre> 2024-07-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 rizky anggi pratama rizky PENGARUH KEMAMPUAN KERJA DISIPLIN KERJA DAN PEMBERIAN REWARD TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI BADAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN DAN PENDAPATAN DAERAH KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-06-25T11:22:18+07:00 Riana Dewi Kartika Nyoman Chandrika Nanda <p>This study aims to determine the Influence of Work Ability, Work Discipline and Reward<br>Giving on Employee Performance at the Regional Financial and Revenue Management Agency of<br>Buleleng Regency. The population of employees of the Buleleng Regency Regional Financial and<br>Revenue Management Agency is 338 employees and the number of samples in this study is 77 people<br>calculated by the slovin formula. The data analysis techniques used in this study are validity and<br>reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and t-test using the SPSS<br>version 18 application for windows.<br>The results of this study show that work ability affects the performance of employees at the Regional<br>Financial and Revenue Management Agency of Buleleng Regency by 0.179. The results of hypothesis<br>testing with the T-Test test found that the t-test &gt; t-table (5,155 &gt; 1,668). This shows that work ability<br>has a positive and significant effect on employee performance seen from a significant level of 0.000 &lt;<br>0.05. Work discipline affects the performance of employees at the Buleleng Regency Regional<br>Financial and Revenue Management Agency by 0.190. The results of hypothesis testing with the TTest test found that the t-test &gt; t-table (5,339 &gt; 1,668). This shows that work discipline has a positive<br>and significant effect on employee performance seen from a significant level of 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The<br>provision of rewards affects the performance of employees at the Regional Financial and Revenue<br>Management Agency of Buleleng Regency by 0.118. The results of hypothesis testing with the T-Test<br>test found that the t-test &gt; t-table (2,592 &gt; 1,668). This shows that the provision of rewards has a<br>positive and significant effect on employee performance seen from a significant level of 0.012 &lt; 0.05.</p> 2024-07-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riana Dewi Kartika PENGARUH PEMBERIAN INSENTIF, MOTIVASI DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA DALAM KEPUASAN KERJA KARYAWAN PT. TELKOM AKSES WITEL SINGARAJA 2024-06-25T11:28:55+07:00 Gusti Komang Desi Anggreni Gde Agung Satria <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of incentive provision, motivation, and work environment on employee job satisfaction at PT Telkom Akses Witel Singaraja. This research uses a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used in this study is in the form of questionnaires, where 52 employees were selected as respondents. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of this study, it is explained that the incentive variable has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction variable, the motivation variable has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction variable, and the work environment variable has a positive and significant effect on employee job satisfaction variable.</em></p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gusti Komang Desi Anggreni PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, KERJASAMA TIM DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA TOKO SEMBAKO DI DESA PETANDAKAN BULELENG 2024-07-13T23:36:33+07:00 Ketut Sudarnaya Ketut Erika Juni Yanti <p>This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline, teamwork, and work environment on employee performance. The type of research is quantitative research because it involves numbers and statistical calculation techniques. The population of this research is all grocery store employee in Petandakan Village. The sample selection in this research was used by saturation sampling means all members of the population are the sample in this research. The number of samples in the research obtained was 32 samples. Sources of data used in this study are primary data in the form of questionnaires measured by the Linkert scale and secondary data in the form of books, journals, theses, and other documents. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 22 program. The results of this study indicate that (1) work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (2) teamwork has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and (3) work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ketut Erika Juni Yanti PENGARUH DISIPLIN KERJA, KOMPETENSI, DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI KANTOR DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-07-02T12:29:28+07:00 Ni Luh Ayu Widi Widya Sari Ni Luh Sri Kasih <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Work Discipline, Competence, and Work Motivation on Employee Performance. This research was conducted at the Office of the Population and Civil Registration Office of Buleleng Regency. The data collection technique used was the Questionnaire technique. The sample taken in this study was 70 respondents using certain criteria. The data analysis techniques used are Validity and Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Analysis Test, and Coefficient of Determination. Model testing used is the T Test and F Test. The results showed, 1) Work Discipline has a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance which is indicated by the t value of 3.012&gt; t table 1.668 with a significance value of 0.004 &lt;0.05, 2) Competence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance which is indicated by the t value of 2.036&gt; t table 1,668 with a significance value of 0.046 &lt; 0.05, 3) Work Motivation has a persial effect on employee performance with a t value of 2.619&gt; t table 1,668 with a significance value of 0.011 &lt; 0.05, 4) Work Discipline, Competence, and Work Motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on Employee Performance as indicated by the Fcount value of (70,804)&gt; f table of (2,744) with an F test significance value of 0.000 which is smaller than ɑ = 0.05 and the influence of the Work Discipline, Competence and Work Motivation variables as indicated by the Coefficient of Determination of 0.752 or 75.2% while the remaining 24.8% is influenced by other variables outside this study.&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ni Luh Ayu Widi Widya Sari PENGARUH PERAN PENEMPATAN KERJA, PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KARAKTERISTIK INDIVIDU DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA PEGAWAI ASN DAN PEGAWAI KONTRAK PADA DINAS SOSIAL KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-07-14T12:16:59+07:00 Ni Luh De Erik Trisnawati Luh Sri Utariyani <p class="s11"><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Penelitian</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">ini</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bertujuan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">untuk</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">mengetahui</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Peran </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Penempatan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">, </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Pemanfaatan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Teknologi</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Informasi</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Dan </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Karakteristik</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Individu</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Dalam </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Meningkatkan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Kinerja </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">ASN Dan </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Pegawai</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kontrak</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Pada Dinas </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Sosial</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kabupaten</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Buleleng</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">. Teknik </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">analisis</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> data </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dengan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">aplikasi</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Partial Least Square (PLS) visual version 3.0.</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> Hasil </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">penelitian</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dilihat</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dari</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">output </span></span></p> <p class="s11"><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Hasil </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">penelitian</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">ini</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">menunjukkan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bahwa</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">penempatan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">terhadap</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> di Dinas </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Sosial</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kabupaten</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Buleleng</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">, yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memiliki</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pengaruh</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">secara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">langsung</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">antara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">penempatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">terhadap</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dimiliki</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">. </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Pemanfaatan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">teknologi</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">informasi</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">terhadap</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> di Dinas </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Sosial</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kabupaten</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Buleleng</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">, yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memiliki</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pengaruh</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">secara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">langsung</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">antara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pemanfaatan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">teknologi</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">informasi</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">diterima</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pada </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">saat</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bekerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memberikan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dampak</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> pada </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dimiliki</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">. </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Karakteristik</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">individu</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">terhadap</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> di Dinas </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Sosial</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Kabupaten</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">Buleleng</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">, yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memiliki</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pengaruh</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">secara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">langsung</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">antara</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">karakteristik</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">individu</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dimiliki</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> oleh </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> pada </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">saat</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bekerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memberikan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dampak</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pada </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> yang </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dihasilkan</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">. Hal </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">ini</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">menunjukkan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">karakteristik</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">individu</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dalam</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bekerja</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">akan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">memberikan</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pengaruh</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">terhadap</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">kinerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17"> para </span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">pegawai</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">dalam</span></span> <span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">bekerja</span></span><span class="s10"><span class="bumpedFont17">..</span></span></p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Luh Sri Utariyani PENGARUH CELEBRITY ENDORSE TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK: LITERATURE REVIEW 2024-06-10T16:53:42+07:00 Bord Nandre Aprila Yanti Mayasari Ginting Fitrien Ayuda <p><em>Celebrity endorsement</em> telah menjadi strategi dalam dunia marketing yang umum digunakan oleh pelaku bisnis dalam menin gkatkan <em>brand image</em> dan mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen/target. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh <em>celebrity endorsement</em> dalam mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan pembelian produk di Indonesia. Melalui metode <em>literature review</em>, penelitian ini meninjau berbagai studi yang relevan untuk mengidentifikasi tema utama dan pola yang muncul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pengaruh positif yang bermakna antara <em>celebrity endorsement</em> dengan keputusan pembelian dan keinginan konsumen dalam membeli suatu produk di Indonesia. Selain itu, kesesuaian antara citra selebriti dan produk serta kredibilitas selebriti juga menjadi faktor penting dalam efektivitas strategi ini.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> <em>celebrity endorsement</em>, keputusan pembelian, <em>brand awareness</em></p> 2024-07-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bord Nandre Aprila, Yanti Mayasari Ginting, Fitrien Ayuda PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH TERHADAP KOMPETENSI GURU YANG DI MODERASI ETOS KERJA DI SMK NEGERI 1 GEROKGAK 2024-07-14T11:09:10+07:00 I Gusti Made Dharma Hartawan Ketut Dyah Ayunitri <p>This research aims to determine the influence of the principal's leadership on teacher competency which is moderated by work ethic at SMK Negeri 1 Gerokgak. The method used in this research is quantitative using data obtained from questionnaires. The sample used was 59 people. The data analysis technique uses the Inner Model Analysis Technique. The results of the research show that: (1) Work Ethic has a positive and significant effect on Principal Leadership, (2) Principal Leadership has a positive and significant effect on Teacher Competency and (3) Work Ethic does not have a positive and significant effect on Principal Leadership Moderation on Competence Teacher.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ketut Dyah Ayunitri PENGARUH TAX AVOIDANCE TERHADAP COST OF DEBT DENGAN KEPEMILIKAN INSTITUSIONAL SEBAGAI PEMODERASI PADA PERUSAHAAN MENURUT RATING SCORE HUTANG PADA PEFINDO 2024-06-08T11:16:13+07:00 Hartina Husein Alfrin Usmany Dwi Kriswantini Sari T Tjio <p><em>The inconsistency of previous research results regarding the relationship between tax avoidance and the cost of debt is the background for this research. The complexity of determining a company's capital structure in theory, preferability trade off of debt and equity, consideration of benefits and costs are the reasons for tax savings as overvalued deductible expense explain the reasons for the choice of debt financing which is given more priority compared to financing from the capital side. On the other hand, choosing a debt over equity source creates a risk of expropriation between investors and creditors, therefore this research uses institutional ownership variables to answer the question of whether this variable can associate the relationship between tax avoidance and the cost of debt. By using a sample of companies on PEFINDO in Indonesia this research questions are still unanswered. Overvaluing assets, selecting accounting method or principle of accounting standards that have the potential to increase deductible costs through increasing depreciation, amortization and pension fund expenses are some of the activities that increase corporate tax avoidance</em></p> <p><em>Key Words: Cost of debt, Tax avoidance, Institutional Ownership</em></p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 hartina husein FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI MINAT DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PESERTA BPJS KETENAGAKERJAAN DALAM MENGGUNAKAN ELECTRONIC WALLET (E-WALLET) 2024-07-14T08:17:38+07:00 Hasvina Intansari Zulfadil Zulfadil Raden Lestari Ganasih <p><em>The</em><em> purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use on intention to use e-wallet for pay a bill of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. To analyze intention to use on usage decision as intervening variable. And to analyze the influence of perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use on participants' decisions through participant interest. In this study, the population in this study is the participation of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Pekanbaru Kota, namely 5,657 business entities represented by PIC / Business Entity Officers registered in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. The sample in this study requires around 366 respondents. The data used in this study were primary data and secondary data, while the data collection technique used questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this study is Data analysis used in this study is SEM. </em><em>The results showed that risk perception, benefit perception and ease of use perception of e-wallet applications have a significant influence and impact on intention used of e-wallets. Intention of used has a significant influence on the decision to use e-wallet applications. Risk perception, benefit perception and e-wallet application usage perception have a significant influence on e-wallet application usage decisions through e-wallet intention to used. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Perceived Risk, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, Intention of used And Decision of Used, </em>BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hasvina Intansari, Zulfadil Zulfadil, Raden Lestari Ganasih PENGARUH PROFITABILITAS DAN LIKUIDITAS TERHADAP STRUKTUR MODAL DENGAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN SEBAGAI VARIABEL MODERASI PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR YANG TERDAFTAR DI BURSA EFEK INDONESIA TAHUN 2014-2018 2024-06-02T07:34:42+07:00 Syurti Primadayani <p><em>This research aimed to find out the effect of the </em><em>profitability and liquidity towards capital structure with company size as a moderating variable in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The method used is multiple linear analysis. The results obtained are partial profitability that does not significantly influence the capital structure, while liquidity has a significant effect on the capital structure. The results of the moderation research found that profitability and liquidity which are moderated by the variable company size only weakens the relationship between profitability and liquidity to the capital structure.</em> <em>Finally the author suggested to companies who are investing, so that before making an investment, investors should pay attention to the debt owned by the company. It was proved that liquidity gives significant influence towards capital structure, so that companies that have a good capital structure, it also has good liquidity, and the company deserves to be used as a place to invest</em></p> <p><br><strong>Keywords:</strong> <strong><em>Profitability and liquidity</em></strong></p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syurti Primadayani PENGARUH WORK OVERLOAD DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DI BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-06-02T09:11:44+07:00 Putu Wirani Ni Made Wulan Sari Sanjaya <p>Human resources play a very important role in realizing the vision,<br>mission, and as well as the role, the performance of human resources<br>contributes to the success and sustainability of an organization. Quality<br>human resources can certainly help achieve the goals of any organization<br>or agency. The purpose of this study is to determine the Effe<br>ct of Work Overload and Work Environment on Employee<br>Performance at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Buleleng Regency.The<br>study uses quantitative methods using data from the results of questionnaire<br>distribution. The sample in this study was 33 employees of BPS Buleleng<br>Regency.Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression. The<br>results of this study show that: (1) Work overload affects employee<br>performance. (2) Work Environment does not affect employee performance.<br>(3) Simultaneously Work overload and work environment affect employee<br>performance at the Central Bureau of Statistics of Buleleng district.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Wirani PENGARUH KERJASAMA TIM DAN PELATIHAN PEGAWAI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI PADA KANTOR BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN BULELENG 2024-06-02T07:47:09+07:00 Luh Merta Sukma Ningsih Ni Made Wulan Sari Sanjaya <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of teamwork on employee performance and employee training on employee performance at the Buleleng Regency Central Bureau of Statistics Office. The method used in this research is quantitative using data obtained from questionnaires. The sample in this research was 33 people or all employees of the Buleleng Regency Central Statistics Agency. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression. The research results show that: (1) Teamwork has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. (2) Employee Training has no effect on Employee Performance.(3) Teamwork</em></p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Luh Merta Sukma Ningsih PENGARUH DISIPLIN, MOTIVASI, DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA HOTEL PURI SARON BARUNA BEACH COTTAGES 2024-05-31T10:14:09+07:00 Nyoman Ichi Umadeta Dewi Ni Luh Srikasih <p>This research aims to find out whether discipline, motivation and work environment influence the performance of Puri Bagus Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel employees. This research was conducted at the Puri Bagus Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel. The population used in this research were all employees who worked at the Puri Bagus Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel, namely 37 employees. The measurement scale uses a Likert scale and then the data obtained is processed using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. In this research, the results obtained are 1) Discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of Puri Bagus Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel employees with the t test results on the Work Motivation variable showing a calculated t value of 2.550 &gt; from t table 1.687 and a significance value of 0.013 &lt; 0.05 2) Motivation has no effect on the performance of Puri Bagus Saron Baruna Beach Cottages Hotel employees with the results of the t test on the Motivation variable showing a calculated t value of -0.852 &lt; from t table 1.687 and a significance value of 0.401 &gt; 0.05 3) The work environment has no effect on employee performance Hotel Puri Saron Baruna Beach Cottages with the t test results on the Work Environment variable shows a calculated t value of -0.057 &lt; from t table 1.687 and a significance value of 0.955 &gt; 0.05.</p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nyoman Ichi Umadeta Dewi PENGARUH STANDAR OPERASIONAL PROSEDUR, DESKRIPSI PEKERJAAN DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA KARYAWAN PADA PERUSAHAAN UMUM DAERAH PASAR 2024-07-14T06:36:48+07:00 Dewa Made Widiartana Ni Luh Sri Kasih <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of Standard Operating Procedures, Job Description, and Work Discipline variables on Work Productivity variables using multiple regression methods. The analyzed data shows that the Standard Operating Procedure (X1) variable has a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable, with a 95% confidence interval that is fully positive (0.067 to 0.641). The Job Description variable (X2) has an influence that is not always positive but still significant, with a 95% confidence interval that includes negative values (-0.016 to 0.441). The Work Discipline variable (X3) also shows an influence that is not always positive but significant, with a 95% confidence interval that includes negative values (-0.111 to 0.425). The F test shows that the regression model as a whole is significant (F = 122.867, p-value = 0.000), which means that the Standard Operating Procedure, Job Description, and Work Discipline variables together have a significant influence on the Work Productivity variable.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dewa Made Widiartana KUALITAS PELAYANAN PRIMA DI KANTOR CAMAT LUBUK DALAM KABUPATEN SIAK 2024-05-27T09:21:47+07:00 Hernimawati Hernimawati Surya Dailiati Sudaryanto Sudaryanto Johan Johan <p>Lubuk Dalam is one of 14 sub-districts in Siak Regency. Lubuk Dalam District was established based on Siak Regency Regional Regulation Number 41 of 2022, which is the result of the expansion of Kerinci Kanan District. The Lubuk Dalam District Government has implemented many programs and activities for the community. On the other hand, there are still problems in public services, namely a lack of information from the government regarding programs and activities for the community and a lack of coordination between the District Government and the village government regarding paperwork. Sinambela (2019:6), the aim of public service is to satisfy the community. To achieve this satisfaction requires excellent service quality. The research was conducted at the Lubuk Dalam District Head Office, Siak Regency, Jl. Head Office, Pasie Lubuk Dalam, 28671. The resource persons in this research were the State Civil Apparatus of the Lubuk Dalam District Head Office, Siak Regency and the community. The sources and types of data in this research are primary and secondary data. As a result, the quality of public services, in this case excellent service in Lubuk Dalam District, Siak Regency, is carried out based on transparency, accountability, conditionality, participation, equality of rights, balance of rights and obligations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Service, Excellent, Lubuk Dalam</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sudaryanto Sudaryanto, Hernimawati Hernimawati, Surya Dailiati, Johan Johan PENGARUH AMBIGUITAS PERAN, KONFLIK PERAN, DAN KESESUAIAN PENEMPATAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS PADA KARYAWAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JEMBER) 2024-05-25T12:01:46+07:00 Yuli Eka Pratiwi Eko Budi Satoto Ira Puspitadewi S <p><em>This research aims to examine and analyze the influence of role ambiguity, role conflict, and work placement balance on employee performance at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember. The method used in this research is quantitative. The objects of the research were employees at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember with a population of 133 employees. The sampling technique used was probability sampling so that the sample taken in this research was 71 employees. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires and measured using SPSS24. The research results show that role ambiguity, role conflict, and job placement balance have a significant effect on employee performance. The results of multiple linear regression of role ambiguity and conflict show a significant negative influence on employee performance. Meanwhile, the results of job placement suitability show a positive and significant influence on employee performance.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Employee performance, role ambiguity, role conflict, suitability of work placement</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-07-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Eka Pratiwi Pratiwi