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Paul Usmany
Linda Grace Loupatty
Alfrin E. M. Usmany



Community Service
Community Service (PkM) is basically the social responsibility of the higher education academic community to help the community solve
academic community of higher education to help the community in solving
problems faced or in developing their potentials.
that they have. Within this framework, the community service activities of
community service activities of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Pattimura University organized "Village Accounting Training for
State Government Apparatus in the South Leitimur District of Ambon City".
The objectives of organizing this PkM are to: 1) improve
insights, knowledge, and abilities of the state government apparatus through alternative
accounting learning alternatives as a basis for understanding in organizing accounting records according to generally accepted accounting principles and preparing financial reports.
accounting principles and prepare financial statements; and 2) provide knowledge, and technical accounting skills to civil servants so that they can be accountable to the government.
apparatus so that they can accurately account for the realization of the APBDes implementation.
accurately. Activity
This training was held for 2 days, from August 30 to 31, 2023, and was attended by 32 (64%) of the target audience.
(64%) of the target audience. The implementation of this training activity was carried out
using lecture, discussion, question and answer, and simulation methods. Activities
"Village Accounting Training for State Government Officials in the District of Leitimur Selatan

Leitimur Selatan Ambon City" went well. All participants were enthusiastic
attended the event until the end and felt the benefits of this training.
The participants also considered that the training was important and very
necessary for local government officials and other stakeholders. The participants also hoped that similar training can be conducted intensively again in the future with more participants, and more applicable material design related to the participants' daily tasks.

Keywords: Community Service
community service, village accounting, public government apparatus, and South Leitimur Sub-district.
Leitimur Selatan.


Article Details



Republik Indonesia. Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa. Jakarta

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