IPTEKS Harga Pokok Produksi dan Harga Jual Bahan Batik di Desa Tanah Merah


  • Neneng Salmiah Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Satria Tri Nanda Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Intan Adino Universitas Lancang Kuning




Cost of Production, Selling Price, Tanah Merah Village


This community service program aims to increase the knowledge of the calculation of the cost of production and the determination of the selling price of batik materials produced by the PKK Group in Tanah Merah Village. The production of batik material by the PKK Group is one of the empowerment programs implemented by the head of Tanah Merah Village. The methods used in this activity are counseling and simulation methods to the PKK group, question and answer, and evaluation. Output targets are to increase knowledge about calculating the cost of goods manufactured and determining the correct selling price and scientific articles to be published at the national level. The material provided in the extension includes: (1) What is the cost of production, (2) The purpose of calculating the cost of production, (3) The method of calculating the cost of production, and (4) Determination of the selling price. To measure the level of success of the activities carried out, then the pre and post tests were carried out. In this PKM activity, the Village Head and village apparatus, the BUMDes manager and the Tanah Merah Village PKK Group were involved collaboratively from the beginning to the end of the activity. The result of this community service activity is an increase in the PKK group's knowledge about calculating the cost of goods manufactured and setting the right selling price.


Dunia Ahmad Firdaus dan Abdullah Wasilah, 2012, Akuntansi Biaya, Salemba Empat

Mowen/Hansen, 2009, Akuntansi Manajerial, Buku 1 Edisi 8, Salemba Empat

Profil Desa Tanah Merah Dalam Penggunaan Dana Desa 2015-2016, 2017.

Sekolah Manajemen BUMDes, 2017, Modul Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Pengelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa – Seri Pembentukan BUM Desa

Suryanto Rudy, 2018, Peta Jalan BUMDes Sukses, PT.Syncore Indonesia

Widilestariningtyas Ony, dkk, 2012, Akuntansi Biaya, Edisi 1, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta






