Diklat Review : Jurnal manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview <p>Jurnal Diklat Review (Online ISSN:&nbsp;2598-6449| Print ISSN : 2580-4111) published by Komunitas Manajemen Kompetitif.&nbsp;This journal published&nbsp;thrice in April, Agustus dan December. It contain the articles such as scientific papers (research and non-research), analytical studies, theoretical applications and reviews of management issues. The publication of this journal aims to increase the quantity and quality as well as its spread with the science of communication among the intellectuals, practitioners, students and observers of HR management problems.</p> en-US idelwaldelmi@unilak.ac.id (Idel Waldelmi) novitaq8@gmail.com (Novita) Fri, 09 Aug 2024 14:58:49 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENDAMPINGAN PEMBUATAN LOGO DAN PACKAGING (KEMASAN) PRODUK USAHA MIKRO KECIL MENENGAH (UMKM) DI KELURAHAN SIALANG MUNGGU https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1869 <p>Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kreativitas para pelaku UMKM dan masyarakat setempat terkait pembuatan desain logo dan kemasan produk UMKM. Pendampingan ini dilakukan agar produk UMKM menjadi lebih menarik dan dapat meningkatkan minat pasar sekaligus sebagai brand produk. Dampak dari kegiatan ini adalah peserta UMKM mendapatkan edukasi untuk mendesain sendiri logo dan kemasan produknya sehingga kemasan menjadi lebih menarik dan sesuai dengan tema produk yang akan dipasarkan. Metode yang dilakukan oleh Tim PPK Ormawa dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka. Harapan dari tim pelaksana PPK Ormawa adalah tumbuhnya minat para pelaku UMKM untuk mendesain logo dan kemasan yang menarik, bagus, dan memiliki warna yang sesuai sehingga pembeli tertarik untuk membeli produk UMKM tersebut.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Arini Arini, Erawati Manalu, Feronika Br. Simamora, Nike Lina, Indah Juniyanti, Putri Feby Febryanti. P, Nur Kaisah, Petra Franciscus, Muhammad Rizky, Oktavyandi Situmorang, Ummi Fadhilah Ramadani, Aprilia Milanda Putri, Elizabeth Siagian, Restu Agung Maulana, Andi Zahran Budiman, Triani Angelika Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 Arini Arini, Andi Zahran Budiman, Restu Agung Maulana, Elizabeth Siagian, Aprilia Milanda Putri, Ummi Fadhilah Ramadani https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1869 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 POLA KOMUNIKASI KETUA KELOMPOK TANI HUTAN II (KTH II) KEPADA ANGGOTANYA DI KAMPUNG CITIIS DESA MEKARJAYA KECAMATAN ARJASARI BANJARAN KABUPATEN BANDUNG https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1865 <p>Communication patterns are defined as forms or patterns of relationship between two or more people in the process of sending and receiving in the right way so that the message in question can be understood by the communicant (KTH members). The Forest Farmer Group is a group of farmers who work on gardens or forest land owned by Perhutani. Effective communication within the Forest Farmers Group (KTH) II Kampung Citiis is crucial. However, farmers' ignorance about effective communication patterns is a major obstacle. Therefore, the priority issue is counseling and training with an effective communication pattern system between the Chair of KTH II and members of KTH II Kampung Citiis, which requires a deep understanding of the need for interpersonal communication in agriculture as well as strategies to overcome the ignorance of forest farmers so that messages related to agriculture can be conveyed and understood well by all KTH members. The most effective communication is communication when it is able to change someone's attitude, opinion or behavior dialogically and this can be done between the Extension Officer and the farmers, not depending on how big the quantity is but how big the quality is. Based on the problems that have been identified with partners, there is an agreement to determine priority problems for which immediate solutions will be sought, with the aim of Agricultural Extension and Training which prioritizes how to plant horticulture, coffee and protect forests. Apart from that, efforts are explained to find out the differences and similarities between good and correct planting techniques. There are three activity methods used by the team, namely the directing method, mentoring method and facilitation. The research method in this study uses a descriptive-explanatory research type, namely describing and explaining efforts to find out the differences and similarities in good and correct planting techniques, including fertilization, treatment and plant maintenance, while the data analysis techniques used in this research include interview transcripts, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation and triangulation.</p> Amin Amin, Erwin Kustiman, Mohd Nadzrizal Habib, Nathasya Tiaralivia Copyright (c) 2024 Amin Amin https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1865 Tue, 03 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN SEKOLAH SWASTA MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN BUSINESS MODEL CANVAS (BMC) DAN SWOT ANALYSIS PADA SDIT CAHAYA HATI KOTA BUKITTINGGI https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1861 <p>: &nbsp;The phenomenon of declining enrollment of prospective new students at the Cahaya Hati Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT CH) in recent years indicates that the business model that has been built since the beginning is not qualified enough to compete with other schools in Bukittinggi City. This is considering the increasingly tight competition between educational institutions, especially at the elementary school level. For this reason, a new strategy is needed as well as the development of a new business model for SDIT CH. Through this research, it is necessary to know the external and internal factors that affect the school with a SWOT analysis so that it can find out the position of SDIT CH in formulating alternative strategies for the next and making it easier to develop a new business model. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with data collection techniques, namely interviews, observations and questionnaires both from internal and external schools. The analysis carried out was the analysis of the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix, the External Factor Evaluation (EFE) matrix, the Internal External (IE) matrix, the Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) matrix and the Business Model Canvas (BMC). As a result of the SWOT analysis, SDIT CH's main strategy is the S-O strategy, which is to use strength to take advantage of opportunities. Regarding strategies that can be implemented, they include (1) maintaining student graduates so that they are always tested and have noble morals; (2) directing school achievements on academic and non-academic achievements at the national level; (3) strengthening the school's branding "everybody is the winner"; (4) upgrade the license status of JSIT SDIT CH to grade "A"; (5) producing graduates of SD 3 Juz (mutqin) and (6) strengthening cooperation with SMPIT CH advanced schools. And then include it in the development of SDIT CH's business model.</p> Selvika Wijaya, Hendra Lukito Copyright (c) 2024 Selvika Wijaya, Hendra Lukito https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1861 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DALAM BUDIDAYA DAN PENGOLAHAN PEGAGAN MENJADI ANEKA PRODUK PANGAN DI DESA TANJUNG BUNGO https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1854 <p>Tujuan PKM ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat supaya dapat membudidayakan tanaman pegagan, juga mengolah tanaman pegagan tersebut sehingga menjadi produk pangan. PKM dilaksanakan di Desa Tanjung Bungo, Kecamatan Kampar Timur, Kabupaten Kampar. Jumlah peserta yang hadir pada saat kegiatan pengabdian berjumlah 15 orang, hal ini dikarenakan turun hujan, sehingga sebagian anggota Kelompok Tani Padusi tidak dapat hadir. Meskipun jumlah yang hadir tidak banyak, namun antusias peserta pelatihan cukup tinggi, hal ini dapat dilihat dari keseriusan peserta dalam mengikuti prosesi pelatihan dari awal sampai akhir. setelah diberikan pelatihan dan dilakukan <em>post test</em>, seluruh anggota peatihan menjadi tahu dengan tanaman pegagan, cara budidaya dan pengolahannya menjadi aneka produk pangan seperti jus pegagan madu, urap pegagan dan keripik pegagan.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Pegagan, Produk Pangan</em></p> Aulia Rani Annisava, Lenny Sasmita, Donal Devi Amdanata Copyright (c) 2024 Aulia Rani Annisava, Lenny Sasmita, Donal Devi Amdanata https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1854 Thu, 29 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 DAMPAK PENERAPAN PROGRAM MERDEKA BELAJAR KAMPUS MERDEKA (MBKM) TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN AKADEMIK DI PERGURUAN TINGGI https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1846 <p>This study aims to find the impact of the implementation of the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme on academic policies in higher education, especifically the Faculty of Law, Indonesian Computer University so that this programme can be implemented more optimally in the future. The study conducted by the author is descriptive analytical with a normative juridical approach. The resulting data is analyzed in a qualitative juridical manner so that the hierarchy of laws and regulations can be considered and can guarantee legal certainty. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme organized by the Unikom Faculty of Law has met the expectations of both the institution and its partners, although there are still shortcomings in its implementation practice, including internal policy alignment. The increasing competence of students participating in the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme is a factor that needs to be followed up by the program, as well as the need to expand collaboration with various parties/partners to provide wider opportunities for students. The Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme at the Faculty of Law, Unikom, still has obstacles, namely related to the addition of new partners, curriculum adjustments and adjustments to the Academic Information System that accommodates the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme. This research is a media for searching for problems, analyzes and solutions needed in the implementation of the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme at the UNIKOM Faculty of Law, so that appropriate solutions can be found for these problems, especially related to internal policies within the UNIKOM Faculty of Law relating to with the implementation of the Independent Campus, Freedom to Learn programme.</p> Hetty Hassanah, Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang, Musa Darwin Pane, Wahyudi Wahyudi, Febilita Wulan Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Hetty Hassanah, Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang, Musa Darwin Pane, Wahyudi Wahyudi, Febilita Wulan Sari https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1846 Fri, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TENTANG REGULASI SERTIFIKASI HALAL JALUR SELF DECLARE PADA UMKM DI PEKANBARU https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1833 <p>Halal certification is the process of obtaining halal certification in accordance with Islamic law, the aim of which is to provide legal certainty about the halalness of a product so that it can reassure the minds of those who consume it. Researchers are interested in knowing how business actors can make implementing Halal Certification using the Self-Declaration Route easier or more difficult for MSMEs. And also, the self-declare route will only be available in 2022, so there is already quite a lot of research on halal certification, but there is no or not too much for the self-declare route, therefore researchers want to know more about self-declare. After the online questionnaire was distributed to 36 students, the results were regarding the halal application of 36 students, 47.2% said they didn't know, 41.7% said they knew and 11.1% said they were doubtful. Because this concerns technological advances, there is a need to socialize the Indonesian Ministry of Religion's Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH) in the context of implementing the Sihalal Application in the Regional Halal Services Task Force for MSMEs&nbsp;in&nbsp;Pekanbaru.</p> Rina Sundari Copyright (c) 2024 Rina Sundari https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1833 Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UPAYA PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN PADA UMKM MELALUI DIGITAL MARKETING E-COMMERCE https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1817 <p>Pendampingan terhadap pelaku UMKM dalam upaya meningkatkan pemasaran adalah hal penting dengan semakin banyaknya pesaing di tengah berkembangnya pelaku usaha. Digital marketing memiliki potensi yang sangat besar dalam membantu pemasaran produk. Untuk itu melalui pendampingan dari tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Magister Manajemen Sekolah Pascasarjana Univierstias Lancang Kuning diharapkandapat meningkatkan pemahaman manajemen pemasaran dan digital marketing. Permasalahan mitra adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang manajemen pemasaran dan digital marketing. Pemahaman tentang ini sangatlah penting dalam peningkatan volume penjualan produk-produk yang di hasilkan. Target dan luaran yang ingin dicapai adalah; &nbsp;1). Adanya peningkatan pemahaman manajemen pemasaran dan digital marketing serta mempraktikkannya, 2) Adanya peningkatan penjualan mitra dalam pemasaran produk-produknya, dan 3) Adanya perubahan pola pikir mitra kebutuhan dalam menggunakan digital marketing. Terhadap permasalahan mitra yang terkait dengan kurangnya memanfaatkan digital marketing, team memberikan pendampingan tentang pemanfaatan facebook, instagram dll secara benar dalam meningkatkan penjualan. Metode&nbsp; pelaksanaan kegiatan terdiri atas pendampingan pemanfaatan media sosial seperti facebook ad, instagram dll&nbsp; yang diberikan kepada mitra. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu 1) diskusi interaktif.&nbsp; 2) pendampingan pemanfaatan media sosial yang diberikan kepada mitra, memberikan ulasan terkait dengan problematika selama pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyrakat yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan, antara lain: Dukungan dari pelaku usaha pada kegiatan ini sangat baik; Materi pada kegiatan pendampingan sesuaia dengan kebutuhan pelaku usaha; Terdapat respon positif dari pelaku usaha saat sosialisasi dan pendampingan: Adanya pemahaman pelaku usaha tentang manajemen pemasaran, Pelaku usaha dapat membuat dan mengoperasional akun media sosial</p> Agus Seswandi, Bambang Supeno, Burhan Burhan, Fahmi Oemar Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Seswandi, Bambang Supeno, Burhan Burhan, Fahmi Oemar https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1817 Fri, 09 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENDAMPINGAN SPT BADAN PADA PERUSAHAAN YANG TERGABUNG DALAM GABUNGAN PENGUSAHA SUKU SAKAI RIAU (GAPENSUS) https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1815 <p>This Community Service is carried out with the aim of providing a better understanding to the community about the procedures for filling out and submitting Corporate Tax Returns (SPT). With the assistance, it is hoped that it can reduce errors in filling out Corporate Tax Returns that can result in sanctions or fines for taxpayers, this is because many owners or managers of small companies have limited knowledge of taxation rules, including how to fill out and file Corporate Tax Returns correctly and small companies usually have limited resources, including in terms of finance and labor. This can make it difficult for them to fill out the Corporate SPT properly and on time.<br>The activity method in this community service program is training and mentoring. Community Service Partners are members who are members of the Sakai tribal entrepreneurs association. This community service activity has been able to increase understanding and ability in the procedures for filling out and submitting Corporate Tax Returns (SPT).<br>The results of community service activities that have been carried out broadly include several components, namely the success of the target number of training participants, the achievement of the planned material target, the achievement of training objectives and the ability of participants to master the material. The achievement of the target number of participants can be seen from the number of participants targeted was 10 people and in fact the activity was attended by 10 people so that the target number of participants could almost be met. All participants were able to follow the entire simulation process from start to finish, 100% of the designed activities were carried out, and 100% team readiness attendance. The target of delivering simulation material was also achieved because the material could be delivered as a whole.<br><br></p> Inova Fitri Siregar, Rinayanti Rasyad, Afred Suci, Dini Onasis Copyright (c) 2024 Inova Fitri Siregar, Rinayanti Rasyad, Afred Suci, Dini Onasis https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1815 Fri, 09 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI PENGELOLAAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING IKM DI KOTA PEKANBARU https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1806 <p>The importance of MSME entrepreneurs moving up a class is a measure of their success in order to increase their contribution to the economy and welfare. However, the current phenomenon is that the competitiveness of MSMEs in moving up a class has experienced poor performance. Human resource management is the main part that needs attention, because the running of a business cannot be separated from the role of human resources, so there needs to be a strategic effort to manage human resources in an effort to increase the competitiveness of MSMEs to move up a class. The output achieved is a strategy on what can be done in managing human resources both in terms of internal and external factors that are owned in order to increase the competitiveness of MSMEs towards moving up a class. The methodology in this study uses a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were MSME business managers and also from policy makers (Pekanbaru city government) and also from academics. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews and analyzed using SWOT analysis tools. The results of the study indicate that through the identification of internal and external factors, an aggressive strategy can be obtained in managing human resources to increase the competitiveness of MSMEs with strategic policies: 1) Leaders in managing MSME businesses by utilizing information technology; Implementing a positive work culture in facing business globalization; Implementing task specialization in responding to government support in developing human resources.</p> Hadiyati Hadiyati, Fatkhurahman Fatkhurahman Copyright (c) 2024 Hadiyati Hadiyati, Fatkhurahman Fatkhurahman https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1806 Sun, 04 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 INOVASI EKONOMI KREATIF MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN SABUN CUCI PIRING DI PKK RT 06 KELURAHAN JAYA MUKTI KOTA DUMAI https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1802 <p><em>The dish soap-making training conducted for the women of PKK RT 06 in Kelurahan Jaya Mukti, Kecamatan Dumai Timur, aimed to enhance their skills and knowledge in the creative economy sector. The activity involved 40 participants and included both theoretical and practical sessions, where participants were taught about ingredients, the soap-making process, and safety and hygiene techniques. The training results showed significant improvements in participants' knowledge and skills. Before the training, most participants lacked basic knowledge of dish soap-making. After the training, they were able to independently produce high-quality soap. This training also strengthened the camaraderie and cooperation among PKK members. However, participants faced challenges in sourcing raw materials. To address this, future training should focus on practical solutions such as providing information on affordable raw material sources and marketing strategies. The sustainability of this training is crucial, with government and stakeholder support needed to help participants develop their dish soap businesses sustainably. This training demonstrates that with the right methods and high motivation, the community can develop new skills beneficial for improving family economies.</em></p> Fitra Fitra, Trisna Mesra, Nuryasin Abdillah, Melliana Melliana, Azmi Azmi, Lis Hafrida, Sanco Simanullang, Rudi Faisal Copyright (c) 2024 Fitra Fitra, Trisna Mesra, Nuryasin Abdillah, Azmi Azmi, Lis Hafrida, Sanco Simanullang, Rudi Faisal https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1802 Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 NILAI EKONOMI LIMBAH MINYAK GORENG JELANTAH (WASTE COOKING OIL) https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1800 <p>Community service activities with the theme of the economic value of waste cooking oil are a form of contribution to society and part of the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education of an educator (Lecturer). Waste is an environmental problem in Indonesia that will continue to be faced. One example of such waste is waste cooking oil or generally understood as waste cooking oil. Waste cooking oil is a type of waste with economic value. This type of waste can be a pollution problem, toxic and dangerous if not managed properly. The public in general has not been well educated about the negative impacts caused by waste cooking oil. People also do not understand well that waste cooking oil has economic value. The economic value of waste cooking oil can be in the form of derivative products that can be formed into ready-to-sell products such as biodiesel, aromatherapy, soap and other types of products. The results of this community service activity can be clearly measured that the participants of the event have gained an understanding, a change in attitude and a positive way of thinking about waste cooking oil, its negative impact, and how to create economic value.</p> <p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Economic Value, Waste, Waste Cooking Oil</em></p> Dwi Widiarsih, M.Fikry Hadi, Muhammad Hidayat, Mizan Asnawi, Neng Murialti Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Widiarsih https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1800 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI MAHASISWA DALAM MEYELESAIKAN TUGAS AKHIR BERBASIS KECERDASAN BUATAN CHATGPT https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1789 <p>Artificial intelligence (AI) has a variety of important impacts on many aspects of life and industry. AI drives innovation by identifying patterns and trends that may not be visible to humans, enabling new discoveries in fields such as science, technology, and education. In the world of education, especially for students in completing their final assignments, this artificial intelligence is very helpful. However, there are many problems if you use this artificial intelligence incorrectly. This article describes how students' strategies are in completing final assignments based on artificial intelligence through chatGPT but do not violate scientific ethics. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using informants from students and lecturers and data is collected through interviews and analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results of the study show that the strategy that can be used by students in completing final assignments based on artificial intelligence chatGPT is a diversification strategy, namely through modification, through original concepts supported by artificial intelligence in finding references will produce scientific work as a final assignment that can be scientifically accounted for.</p> Wirdayani Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 Wirdayani Wahab https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1789 Thu, 30 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KUALITAS PEPES IKAN LELE MENGGUNAKAN METODE STEAMING https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1783 <p>The dearth of Research on the effectiveness of steaming catfish to make pepes is what spurred this investigation. This study aims to identify the quality of catfish pepes by using the steaming method to identify the characteristic scent of fragrant basil leaves and their acidity, as well as the soft texture, reddish yellow color, and savory taste. They are adding details on the preparation of catfish pepes, fostering innovation in processed food items, and educating the public on the procedures catfish pepes, as seen from the aroma, taste, texture, and color.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>This kind of study is pure experimentation; it involves testing the quality of catfish pepes directly. Due to the fact that it solely looks at the influence of one variable that is, the impact of&nbsp; Quality of Catfish Pepes Using the Steaming Method. Three knowledgeable panelists will use an organoleptic test to evaluate the scent, texture, taste, and color of catfish pepes as part of this study phase. This study was conducted three times. After selecting the panelists, have the supplies and instruments ready to carry out the experiment.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Considering the outcomes of the quality research of catfish pepes by conducting research 3 times with the same expert panelists, good catfish pepes quality results were obtained including catfish pepes color (reddish yellow), with an average of 4 (100%), catfish pepes texture (Soft) with an average of 4 (100%), catfish pepes aroma (basil and sour leaves) with an average of 4 (100%) and catfish pepes taste (savory) with an average of 4 (100%).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Quality of catfish pepes. Steaming method.</strong></p> Lihayatil Ziyadah, Lise Asnur Copyright (c) 2024 Lihayatil Ziyadah, Lise Asnur https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1783 Fri, 02 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STANDARISASI RESEP RENDANG DAUN SINGKONG DI NAGARI SIJUNJUNG KABUPATEN SIJUNJUNG https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1782 <p>Fitra Tul 'Aini (2024): Standardization of the Traditional Recipe for Cassava Leaf Rendang in Nagari Sijunjung, Sijunjung Regency. Thesis D4 Hospitality Management, Department of Tourism. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Padang State University.</p> <p>As of right now, Nagari Sijunjung Sijunjung Regency lacks an ordinary recipe. Variations are the cause of this in the amount of ingredients used, the processing method, and the color, texture, flavor, and scent of cassava leaf rendang in this region. The purpose of this study is to develop a universally recognized recipe for Nagari Sijunjung's cassava leaf rendang.</p> <p>This kind of study uses a hybrid methodology that blends quantitative and qualitative data. Five knowledgeable individuals with extensive experience in crafting Cassava Leaf Rendang provided the qualitative data source. Three panelists, who were restricted to UNP Culinary Management lecturers, got the quantitative data source. The methods of collection, reduction, data presentation, and conclusions in qualitative data analysis are as follows. Techniques for analyzing quantitative data employ the formula (Mx = ∑X)/N).</p> <p>The study yielded a single standard formula that included the following parameters: color (very brown), texture (very soft cassava leaves), aroma (very fragrant with Rendang seasoning), and flavor (very tasty cassava leaves).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Standardization, Recipes, Traditional Specialties, Cassava Leaf Rendang</strong></p> Fitra Tul ‘Aini, Lise Asnur Copyright (c) 2024 Fitra Tul ‘Aini, Lise Asnur https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1782 Sat, 03 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT TENTANG PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN ANAK DI KECAMATAN KUBU https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1778 <p>Education functions to develop skills and enhance the quality of life and human dignity, both personally and socially. In Indonesia, education is not only the responsibility of educational institutions but also of the citizens and the government. Education and society cannot be separated from each other, and the development of education is greatly influenced by the ability to adapt to changing times. This research was conducted in Kubu District, which has a lower-middle social living standard and still has children who drop out of school. The aim of this study is to understand the community's perception of the importance of children's education in Kubu District. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with purposive sampling. The sample consists of 47 people, including informants and the community of Kubu District. Data were collected through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation, then analyzed using descriptive data analysis techniques and percentage techniques. The results of the study show that the majority of the Kubu District community (68%) agree that children's education is important, 21.2% are somewhat in agreement, and 10.8% disagree. Interviews indicate that economic factors, awareness of the importance of education, and adequate facilities and infrastructure are the main elements influencing the quality of children's education. Support from parents and the government is also crucial in ensuring that children achieve quality education. Overall, children's education in Kubu District is influenced by the role of parents, community awareness, government support, as well as economic factors, awareness, and infrastructure. A strong combination of these three factors will increase the likelihood of children receiving proper and quality education, and achieving a better future.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Education, Citizens, Kubu District, Quality education</em></p> Mira Nurhaliza, Hambali Hambali, Indra Primahardani Copyright (c) 2024 Mira Nurhaliza, Hambali Hambali, Indra Primahardani https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1778 Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING TERHADAP BERPIKIR KRITIS SISWA https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1767 <p><em>This research is based on problems in the learning process at Taruna Sakti Pekanbaru Middle School, especially class VIII in students becoming less interested in the learning process. The conventional model is also one-way, where the teacher only delivers material using the lecture method so that students tend not to pay attention to the teacher when giving explanations, showing a lack of focus and active involvement in the learning process. Therefore, to improve </em><em>students'</em><em> critical thingking, a new learning model is used, namely the discovery learning model. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether there is an influence of the discovery learning model on critical thingking in Civics learning for class VIII students at Taruna Sakti Middle School, Pekanbaru. The populations in this study was class VIII students at Taruna Sakti Middle School pekanbaru with a total of 83 students. The sample in this study consisted of 57 students, who were divided into two class VIII B and class VIII C. The data collection methods used in this research are observation, questionnaires. Data processing using statistical analysis using the t test formula is obtained t<sub>count</sub> = 3.012 dan t<sub>table</sub> = 2.004, which means that t<sub>count </sub>is greater than t<sub>table</sub>, thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that the discovery learning model affects the critical thingking of students in class VIII SMP Taruna Sakti Pekanbaru by obtaining an average value of 67,8% in the experimental class and the average value of 44,8 % in the control class.</em></p> <p><br><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Discovery Learning Model, Critical Thingking, Civic Education</em></p> Rasty Helsya, Gimin Gimin, Indra Primahardani Copyright (c) 2024 Rasty Helsya, Gimin Gimin, Indra Primahardani https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1767 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL)TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA KELAS V DI UPTD SDN 122381 PEMATANGSIANTAR https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1766 <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model <em>Problem Based Learning</em> (PBL) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas V UPTD SDN 122381 Pematang Siantar. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif jenis eksperimen yang bentuk desain penelitiannya adalah Pre-eksperimental Desains dengan <em>tipe one group pretest</em> dan <em>Posttest</em>. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa UPTD SDN 122381 Pematang Siantar dan sampel yang digunakan adalah kelas v yang berjumlah 22 orang siswa. Teknik sampel yang digunakan yaitu <em>sampling purposive</em> dengan dua variabel penelitian yaitu: variabel terikat (x) berupa hasil belajar siswa, serta variabel bebas (y) berupa Model <em>Problem Based Learning</em> (PBL). Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu Teknik tes. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Teknik uji t paired sample t-test dengan bantuan program SPSS versi 21, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan t-test diperoleh t<sub>hitung</sub> sebesar 28, 381 yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan t<sub>tabel</sub> sebesar 2,048 dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Perbedaan dikatakan signifikan jika t<sub>hitung</sub> <sub>&gt; </sub>t<sub>tabel</sub> maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, dan jika t<sub>hitung</sub> <sub>&lt; </sub>t<sub>tabel</sub> maka Ho diterima karena t<sub>hitung</sub> <sub>&gt;</sub> t<sub>tabel</sub> (28, 381 <sub>&gt; </sub>2,048) maka dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh penggunaan model Problem Based Leaning (PBL) terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata Pelajaran IPA di UPTD SDN 122381 Pematang Siantar.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <strong><em>Model Problem Based Learnin</em></strong><strong>g (PBL), Hasil Belajar IPA.</strong></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Chintani Sihombing, Alexander Samosir, Jubelando O. Tambunan, Rajainal Saragih, Indah Apriani Purba Copyright (c) 2024 Chintani Sihombing, Alexander Samosir, Jubelando O. Tambunan, Rajainal Saragih, Indah Apriani Purba https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1766 Thu, 08 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ETIKA DAN MORAL DALAM ILMU PENGETAHUAN https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1761 <p>This paper examines Work Ethic Management in Islamic Education. This type of research is a literature study. That is, by examining the concepts of curriculum development and its problems from experts, the author seeks to create an integration of the opinions of these experts. Education is an effort to realize the ideals of the state. But now globalization not only educates people's lives, but has changed the function of education where generations must acquire a variety of knowledge and skills and have morals. Every work without intention is not recognized, because every work that is said to be good deeds is a practice that has sincere intentions. And high job satisfaction is directly related to high motivation as well. Workers are motivated that work is worship and Allah observes everything they do so they strive to achieve excellence, and devote time and energy to work as well as possible. Through this article, the author tries to provide explanations and express verses related to work ethic. The results of this article present the concepts of work ethic management and learning motivation in Islamic education based on the Qur'anic interpretation approach.</p> <p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Work Ethic, Learning Motivation, Islamic Education</em></p> Desi Fatma, Sri Melisawati, Reni Renanda, Ardimen Ardimen Copyright (c) 2024 desi fatma fatma https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1761 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KAJIAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI, KEPEMIMPINAN STRATEJIK, HUMAN CAPITAL DAN KINERJA BADAN USAHA MILIK DAERAH (BUMD) DI PROVINSI RIAU https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1749 <p>This research aims to develop a conceptual study of Organizational Culture, Strategic Leadership, Human Capital and BUMD Performance in Riau Province. This research uses a qualitative approach and research data collection techniques using interviews. The findings in this research are: 1) Performance is still relatively low, this can be seen from the realization of targets where there are still many BUMDs that have not been able to achieve targets; 2) Organizational culture cannot be implemented by all directors, this is because there are still several BUMDs that do not have core values; 3) Strategic leadership has been implemented by the board of directors, where the board of directors has tried as optimally as possible to implement the vision and mission, make strategic plans, adapt to changes in technology and the environment, make decisions by involving stakeholders, have good emotional intelligence and moral intelligence; 4) Human capital is still relatively poor, as can be seen from the fact that there are still directors whose experience does not match the company's type of business. Meanwhile, if you look at the competency and training that the board of directors already have, there are still obstacles in implementing knowledge management; 5) Performance improvement strategy, namely by paying attention to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; 6) BUMD directors and shareholders must work together to create policies that continue to pay attention to the company's progress and goals; 7) BPSDM Riau Province, can play a role in improving the performance of BUMD, by providing training in technical competence, managerial competence and sociocultural competence; 8) To build organizational culture, develop strategic leadership and human capital, BPSDM must provide training that focuses on technical competence, managerial competence and sociocultural competence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dianto Mampanini Copyright (c) 2024 Dianto Mampanini https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1749 Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MANAJEMEN ETOS KERJA/ MOTIVASI BELAJAR DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1745 <p>This paper examines Work Ethic Management in Islamic Education. This type of research is a literature study. That is, by examining the concepts of curriculum development and its problems from experts, the author seeks to create an integration of the opinions of these experts. Education is an effort to realize the ideals of the state. But now globalization not only educates people's lives, but has changed the function of education where generations must acquire a variety of knowledge and skills and have morals. Every work without intention is not recognized, because every work that is said to be good deeds is a practice that has sincere intentions. And high job satisfaction is directly related to high motivation as well. Workers are motivated that work is worship and Allah observes everything they do so they strive to achieve excellence, and devote time and energy to work as well as possible. Through this article, the author tries to provide explanations and express verses related to work ethic. The results of this article present the concepts of work ethic management and learning motivation in Islamic education based on the Qur'anic interpretation approach.</p> <p><br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Etos Kerja, Motivasi Belajar, Pendidikan Islam</em></p> Diana Event, Elsi Heviana, Ivo Gana Rahayu, Ruspel Aiga, Risman Bustamam Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Event, Elsi Heviana, Ivo Gana Rahayu, Ruspel Aiga, Risman Bustamam https://ejournal.kompetif.com/index.php/diklatreview/article/view/1745 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700