Work Motivation, Communication, Teamwork and Employee Performance.Abstract
Human resources have a very important role to achieve the goals of an
organization or company, for that we need resources that can work together in
teams. It takes such high motivation and communication to build teamwork so that
employee performance increases. The purpose of this study was to determine the
role of teamwork in mediating the influence of motivation and communication on
employee performance at various hotels, restaurants & spas. The number of
employees at the Aneka Lovina Hotel is 72 people who will be used in the sample
in this study. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach. The
data collection method used in this research is the method of distributing
questionnaires and data analysis techniques using the SmartPLS application.
The results of this study state that the value of the parameter coefficient of
the relationship between motivation and teamwork is 0.096 and the t-statistic
value is 2.102, Communication towards teamwork is 0.742 and the t-statistic
value is 13.077, motivation to employee performance is 0.716 and the t-value is
statistics of 12,571, communication on employee performance of 0.546 and tstatistic value of 5.231, motivation on employee performance through teamwork
of 0.048 and t-statistic value of 0.027, communication on employee performance
through teamwork of 0.372 and t-statistic value of 4,275. It can be stated that all
constructs have a positive and significant effect.
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