Analisis Faktor–Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Penerapan Organisasi Pembelajar


  • MAHBUBAH SRIMULATSIH Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Riau



learning organization, organization culture, senior management commitments, manager skill, employee attitude, organization of work, and human resources.


AbstractThe objectives on this research are to analyze the relationship between organization culture, senior management commitments, manager skill, employee attitude, organization of work, and human resources as a successful learning organization at PT. Bank Riau KepriThe research population was 276 employees at the main office of Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru and the research samples were 73 employees at the main office of Bank Riau Kepri Pekanbaru from all level and division. A quota sampling was conducted to 73 employees. The primary data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires and respondents’ responses measured using Likert Scale. Descriptive statistics analysis and inferential statistical analysis (partial correlation and multiple linear regression) were used to analyze data in this research. This research’s result shows that there is a positive relationship between organization culture, senior management commitments, manager skill, employee attitude, organization of work, and human resources as a successful learning organization.



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