Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat Rejosari Tenayan Raya Pekanbaru, Peluang Usaha Bolu Kemojo Khas Riau Sebagai Penambah Pendapatan Ibu Rumah Tangga

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souviye fithrie
lili erti
idel waldelmi


Abstract: Economic growth is one of them can be achieved by developing various potentials
of community empowerment in various economic centers in the region, which is known to
develop local culture-based economy. In developing the economic potential of local culturebased

strategy is required appropriate. This strategy of economic potential development
should be made to look at the opportunities and potentials of a region by highlighting local
advantages and local government friendly policies. By looking at the background of problems
that have been described above then the problem formulation of this devotion is how to create
business description Bolu kemojo, Product service, Operational Plan, Financing and
Marketing. By paying attention to and observing the economic growth in Riau Province then
provides an opportunity for researchers to study about mapping and strategy development of
local culture-based economic potential in the future.

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